Share your holiday spirit! image

Share your holiday spirit!

Help send some cheer to a foster student this holiday season.

$29,090 raised

$30,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The simple act of caring is heroic. Be a hero this holiday season.

With the holidays around the corner, you may wonder what this season is like for a student in foster care or just aging out and on their own. As a young adult trying to navigate school and independence without the support system so many of us take for granted, the holiday season proves to be more of a challenge and less of the celebration. While we can never replace a family, we can share a little joy and let these students know someone cares.

This year Dreams33 has 120 students in our programs. Please help us raise enough to send every one of these amazing students a little cheer and love.

Share your holiday joy and help fill a Holiday Cheer Box for a student today!

ALL donations are tax deductible - 501c3 # 83-1710717